If you are a Member and your Membership has already expired, you must purchase a new Membership and cannot renew your old, expired membership.
Don't know if your Membership has expired? Log into your account. If you see a Membership link on the blue banner, your membership has expired. Click on Membership in the blue banner, select Individual Membership, and follow the prompts for payment.
If you are a member and your Membership is expiring within 60 days, log in with your User Name and Password. Once logged in, click on your name in the upper right hand corner and then select My Account on the subsequent page. Scroll down and select the tab Membership. On the expiring membership, click the far right hand icon . Once the details are displayed, select "Renew This Membership".
Once you have renewed your membership, you will get a Payment Confirmation email. You are all set and your membership has been renewed.
If you are not successful, please contact the Registrar by email or by calling 203-747-9675.
If you would like to pay for your membership by check, please contact the Registrar by email or by calling 203-747-9675.
The Institute for Learning in Retirement of Greater New Haven, Inc. (ILR) is a non-profit, community-based group of retired and semi-retired people who share a love of learning.
all materials ©2025
Institute for Learning in Retirement
of Greater New Haven, Inc.